2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

A Lesson in Press Treatment

Chuck Zimmerman

Poultry Expo Media RoomHello from Atlanta and the International Poultry and Feed Expos. It took a while but I finally got in. I have to say I’ve never had a more unpleasant welcome than trying to get my badge here. When I got to the media room they didn’t have me on a list and wondered how I got in past security (they never asked me for a badge). I explained that I had spoken with the communication director in charge personally by phone a couple weeks ago and that I had emailed in my media registration form two times at her request since I guess they didn’t receive it the first time. They called her on the radio and she denied ever having spoken with me and to send me out to exhibitor registration where I should be able to find a press badge. I went all the way out there and since I wasn’t on a list I was told to either register as a general attendee or leave.

Now I presented my IFAJ international press card and other forms of identification. However, that made no difference. So I had to stand in line and pay my way in with a badge. It’s certainly not the $50 that’s an issue. However, this has cost me over an hour since I walked in the door. For a media blogger that’s cutting into my posting time.

I’m sure the staff is overwhelmed but when you’ve got a legitimate reporter on your doorstep who wants to provide you with online coverage should you turn him away just because you can’t “find him in the computer?” Oh well, no big deal but I thought this presented a lesson in how not to treat the media. I’m still going to cover this event like I planned and I hope you’ll find it interesting.

I would offer the staff here a suggestion though about having some more table space with electric outlets and wireless internet access would be nice. If they’d like to learn how to really set up a media room they should contact Joe Schuele and Grace Webb at NCBA!

Farm Shows, Media, Poultry