2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nutrena Iron Horse Award Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

World's Best AppaloosaI’m sure you know that we built a blog for the Appaloosa Horse Club and I think Steve Taylor and company are off to a good start with it. So we now get their announcements like this one about the Nutrena Iron Horse Award. I’ve heard of an iron man competition but this is the first I’ve heard of an iron horse competition.

The Appaloosa Horse Club crowned the second Nutrena Iron Horse at the 2006 World Championship Appaloosa Show in Fort Worth, Texas. The $10,000 award is sponsored by Nutrena, the official feed of the Appaloosa Horse Club. CAPTAIN ZIP AHOY was crowned the 2006 Nutrena® Iron Horse as well as the World’s Best Appaloosa. The World’s Best Appaloosa award is one of the most prestigious awards in the colored breed community, and CAPTAIN ZIP AHOY became the first horse to win it in conjunction with the Nutrena Iron Horse award. CAPTAIN ZIP AHOY, sired by COUNTRY CAPTAIN and out of RESTLESS BREEZE, is owned by Jim Jirkovsky of Kearney, Nebraska.

Ag Groups, Horses