2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Business Been Bery Bery Good To Krone

Chuck Zimmerman

KroneBusiness is good for Krone.

With a total sales of $1.1 billion (consolidated) for all sectors within Bernard Krone Holding GmbH & Co. KG, the Krone-Group recorded the most successful fiscal year (8-1-2005 through 7-31-2006) in its 100-year history. The Krone group reported further growth on an impressive scale with its agricultural machinery operation reporting a 19.5% increase in sales, the commercial trailer plant a 14.6% increase, and the agricultural trade and services company a 5% increase in net sales. Almost 60% of the total sales were generated in sales areas outside Germany.

A number of independent surveys that were conducted this year confirm the dynamic development of Krone’s agricul-tural machinery and commercial trailer operations and they reveal that both companies are among the fastest growing companies worldwide. Their outstanding growth rates are even more impressive since they were not achieved through acquisitions, but through productivity enhancing measures and expanded sales activities.

Agribusiness, Equipment