2025 Agri-Marketing Conference


Chuck Zimmerman

Two BeefmobilesI guess it’s just a beef kind of day here on AgWired. I did have a little drive to Indianapolis thrown into the mix. I’ll be here for meetings tomorrow morning before returning home. Hence the light posting. I did get an announcement from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board about the Beefmobiles gearing up to hit the road again. These folks travel like an agriblogger and they’re invited to write to me on their travels. I’ll post them here. And btw, I had a steak for supper tonight, thank you very much.

After traveling more than 200,000 miles in three years, the beef checkoff’s “Beefmobiles” are ready to log a few more miles, kicking off the fourth year with a mission to visit more than 250 livestock marketing facilities and other beef-related events. At each location, the Beefmobiles and their “Wranglers” provide information – and solicit input – from cattlemen about the Beef Checkoff Program.

Created to provide information about beef and the checkoff’s $1-per-head assessment to producers and consumers, the Beefmobile program has made more than 450 stops in 43 states since its first stop in January 2004 – mostly at livestock auctions, but also at conventions, meetings, tours, and stock shows. In its first year out, the Beefmobile made 100 stops with one “Wrangler;” last year, two Beefmobiles made 250 stops with three wranglers — a task the program will repeat in Fiscal 2007.

During the current year, the Beefmobile is funded with a total of $350,000 in checkoff revenue – $280,000 from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and $70,000 from the Federation of State Beef Councils. The Federation added another $15,000 to conduct 10 stops at consumer events, where requested by state beef councils.
