Tall Paul Wants You

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2006 NAFB Convention is coming up soon so you might want to get it on your planner. It’ll be held November 15-17 at the Westin Crown Plaza in Kansas City as usual. The theme is “Farm and Rural Horizons.”

2006 NAFB Convention

In case you need your own personal invitation from someone who will make you want to go NAFB sent out this invite:

6 Feet 8 Inches of Legend…
Did he really play for the Harlem Globetrotters?
Can he actually bend steel with his bare hands?
Is it true he taught Mohammad Ali how to throw a punch?

The only thing we know for sure is he has been greeting NAFB members for 34 years. The pride of the Westin Crown Center, Tall Paul, welcomes you to come and be part of NAFB’s Horizons!

Click here for your personal invite from Tall Paul.
