2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hoosier Ag Today On The Air

Chuck Zimmerman

Hoosier Ag TodayThere’s a new kid on the air in Indiana. No. Wait. He’s not new. He’s old. Or rather, he’s been on the air in Indiana for a long time. You know what I’m saying? He’s Gary Truitt and he’s announcing Hoosier Ag Today.

Truitt Communications is proud to announce the creation of Hoosier Ag Today, a series of radio programs hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Gary Truitt. These programs will focus exclusively on the issues and events that impact the Indiana agricultural community. “Indiana agriculture has experienced tremendous growth in the past 2 years, and we are going to tell the story of what this means to all 6.2 million Hoosiers,” said Truitt.

Hoosier Ag Today will fill a void that exists in Indiana farm broadcasting by providing in-depth, in-state coverage of the dynamic changes taking place in Indiana agriculture. With a team of farm broadcasters, Hoosier Ag Today will be in the field and in touch with listeners providing program content that is relevant to their farming operations and daily lives.

The Hoosier Ag Today concept has been greeted with enthusiastic support by Indiana farm leaders and broadcasters. “Your commitment to this critically important sector of economy is admirable and appreciated,” said Lt. Governor Becky Skillman, who also serves as the state’s Secretary of Agriculture. “I like the way Gary is heading with Hoosier Ag Today because he is going to focus on Indiana agriculture,” noted Steve Lankford, General Manager of WRAY AM/FM in Princeton, IN.
