2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

World Harvest for Kids Sets Record

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensIt’s a new world record, and it’s going for a good cause.

Winkler began to celebrate it’s centennial today by harvesting 160 acres of wheat with 100 combines.

Combines In World Harvest For KidsIt only took them 11 minutes 16 seconds, beating the previous mark of 15:48 set by Westlock, Alberta in 1998.

For me, this day has been an awesome experience. Thousands of people with estimates as high as 8,000 or 9,000 were not uncommon as the combines moved down the field at speeds of 2 1/2 to three miles an hour.

Ray WeilerHere’s event organizer, Ray Wieler announcing and displaying the official record.

The event was also a fundraiser to send underprivileged children from countries like India to camp. Funds raised through the event will go to Children’s Camps International, which sends thousands of kids in countries like India to camp.

The awareness created by this event will help to increase the fund raising efforts.

Siemens Says
