2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Loos Tales Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

Loos TalesI’ve got some serious updating to do on my blog and podcast pages after this week of learning about new ones in agriculture. Like Loos Tales which you’ll find on Feedstuffs website. Loos Tales is produced by Trent Loos.

Trent LoosTrent Loos, a sixth generation U.S. farmer with a background in livestock production, produces a daily radio show called “Loos Tales” that airs on more than 100 radio stations across the U.S. For Feedstuffs, Loos writes a weekly opinion column and produces daily “Loos Tales for Feedstuffs” audio shows. “Loos Tales for Feedstuffs” is made possible by the United Egg Producers.

So, if you miss his show or can’t hear it on a local radio station then guess where you can get it.

Podcasts, Publication