RFA Ethanol Podcast

Workshop Follow Up

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agriblogging and Farm Podcasting workshop is over. I would estimate about 70 in attendance. For some reason I didn’t get any more pics for you but I might find one that someone else took and add it later.

I always start these sessions out asking how many people know what a blog is, have a blog, know what a podcast is, own an iPod and subscribe to podcasts. This group had the highest showing of hands of any I’ve presented to. I’m impressed. Does it mean that these new media tools are becoming more widespread and accepted?

We only had an hour and a half to spend together so I was going fast and providing an online demonstration. I’m wondering if I was trying to cover too much ground. I’m very interested in feedback so if you participated this morning please feel free to post your comments or questions here.

I promised everyone a Resources Page (Word Doc) with links and suggestions of places to find more information, including some previous posts I’ve done on “How I Blog” which has a Part One and a Part Two. Now you have them!

Ag Media Summit, Podcasts