RFA Ethanol Podcast

Beef Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

There’s a whole lot of beef blogging going on. The latest one is “The Beef Blog.” This is Purdue University’s Department of Animal Sciences. They’re off to a great start with lots of posts.

“For example, a producer who visits the Beef Blog might find information on such topics as grass tetany, pinkeye, beef exports, cattle breeds and mad cow disease,” Lemenager said.

The Beef Blog is unlike many blogs in that it more closely resembles a news service than a personal journal. But like most blogs, the Beef Blog is updated regularly and allows readers to post comments, said Phil Reid, Purdue beef distance learning coordinator.

Besides Purdue’s new blog keep Beef Board Meeting in mind as well as MOBeef Update. There are more. I’ll let you Google to find them.
