RFA Ethanol Podcast

Brother, How Art Thy Hobby

Chuck Zimmerman

HorsesI’m slowly making my way back home to Missouri from south Florida. Chelsea (one of my college daughters) and I are spending today out in rural Georgia on my brother’s farm. We hear so much today about hobby farming and I’ve got a great resource to watch and learn from.

Paul works in pharmaceutical sales and when he’s not selling he’s building fence, mowing, planting, taking care of the horses or something. Actually one of the something’s is establishing some great deer stands. Another sideline for him is fire ant treatment. He has an applicator mounted on a 4-wheeler and is certified to apply pesticide. He does it mainly on pasture and large lots in the area.

We are out in the middle of the woods a long way from any town and he’s set up with wireless broadband from his DSL connection. He spends a fair amount of time online, including finding and learning about how to develop and take care of his place.
