RFA Ethanol Podcast

Mosaic Re-structuring Phosphate Business

Chuck Zimmerman

MosaicThe Mosaic Company is doing some re-structuring which includes closing several Florida phosphate fertilizer production plants and mines. It looks like that will mean less jobs but they’ll still have about 3,000 employees just in Florida. The company expects this to help the bottom line of course and keep them competitive in their pricing.

Mosaic expects the indefinite closures will result in the elimination of over 700 jobs. “These decisions were not easy because they impact many of our colleagues who have put forward their best effort, and whose skills will undoubtedly continue to benefit employers and communities in central Florida. We are very grateful for the contributions each has made to our phosphate organization,” Corrigan said. “At the same time, however, we are establishing a stronger foundation for Mosaic’s future and improved long-term opportunities for the approximately 3,000 remaining Florida employees who will be working to see Mosaic realize its full potential in the years ahead.”

Mosaic will continue to own the affected facilities and will work with appropriate regulatory agencies to comply with the requirements of any applicable laws and regulations which relate to its phosphate restructuring activities. Employees affected by Mosaic’s restructuring will be eligible for benefits under applicable Mosaic policies, contractual commitments and federal law.

You can read more about the whole deal here, including lots of information about their production capabilities.
