It’s early on Tuesday morning at BIO 2006. I’m here in the press room. There’s a plenary breakfast going on at which Health & Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt is speaking. I was going to record his speech off the audio feed here but it cut out right about the time he was supposed to start. Oh well. I’ve got a lot of other pics and audio to bring you. The breakfast meeting is a pretty good hike and I’m betting he won’t say anything about agriculture anyway.
At lunch we’re supposed to have former President Bill Clinton speak but he’s “closed” to the press. I guess he doesn’t allow us to record him or even take pictures of him. Well, sir, I’m not interested in what you have to say then. I guess I’ll miss that. I’m sure there’s lots of other more interesting things to find.
I’m still hoping to find a BIO staff member that I can interview about their communications effort here. I’ve been trying since Sunday but so far no interview. I’ll keep trying. I think it would be interesting to learn how BIO has managed the information outreach, including media relations for this event with almost 20,000 people and 1,600 companies exhibiting.
Time to edit some audio and pics.