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Online International Podcasting Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

International Podcasting ExpoI just received a release about the International Podcasting Expo. It’s set up as an online event April 21-23. Very interesting. Brought to you by the folks who started Family Friendly Podcasting.

Podcasting is exploding. Apple shipped more than 14 million iPods in its 2005 4th Quarter, according to Robert McMillan, IDG News Service. Forecasters predict up to 60 million people will be downloading podcasts by the year 2010.

What does this mean for podcasters? It means that their targeted listening market is increasing every day. People with iPods, as well as MP3 players, PDAs and Cell Phones with digital audio players, are looking for quality content in their areas of interest.

Although the Podcasting Community includes such large organizations as IBM, Oracle, Purina, Philadelphia Eagles, Purdue, Notre Dame, CBS, Nintendo, and the NYPD, a majority of the world still has not heard the word “podcast”, nor does it understand podcasting’s usefulness for education and business, as well as entertainment.

The International Podcasting Expo, April 21 – 23, 2006, hopes to change that. This online Podcasting Expo will be a 48 hour, around-the-clock event, taking place within an online Virtual Expo Center. Therefore, anyone in the world with an Internet connection can attend.
