RFA Ethanol Podcast

Here’s how you can help

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensIt’s been two weeks since I started posting to AgWired.Com as a Canadian journalist and broadcaster. I need to know whether the articles and comments I post have any value to you the reader or listener. When I spotted Chuck Zimmerman’s post on his looking for another poster, I let him know of my credentials and availability.

As you know, things of this nature only have value if others respond to it. That’s the reality of instant and world-wide mediums such as the Internet. It can be great and it can be cruel. Either you like it or you don’t. I live only 15 miles from the U.S. border, and having followed American agriculture almost as closely as Canadian, I felt this made a good fit for Chuck.

Often, when an American farm broadcaster interviews me on Canadian issues, with my knowledge of the American side, I have the ability to relate and compare the two.

With the Americans signing more and more Free Trade Agreements with the different countries, it’s my duty as a Canadian to determine how that will affect Canadian trade with yet another country snared by the almighty Americans.

Here’s how you can help. Post your comments at the bottom of this article, and / or send me an email at harry@siemenssays.com, and let me know what you think of my contributions to this American-based website.

I believe strongly there’s a need for us to communicate much more closely to avoid the costly border disputes of the past between two of the greatest neighbours in the world.

Siemens Says
