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Buy A Blue Bull

Chuck Zimmerman

Belgian Blue BreedersDriving to Minneapolis from Holts Summit, MO makes for one long day, especially if your email account goes on the fritz half way up and your Palm Treo turns into a “plain” mobile phone. It’s fixed now for any of you who had problems getting through to me this afternoon.

So, I’m here and surfing around and found a story titled, “Lots of Bull Promised at 10th Annual Belgian Blue Sale.” That caught my eye. It’s the American Belgian Blue Breeders Association sale coming up April 1, 2006, at 1:00 P.M, at the Heely Livestock Market, Inc., Hwy. 32 and U in El Dorado Springs, Mo. The deadline for Nominations is March 5, 2006.

2006 marks the 10th Annual BBB Sale, but it is the first since all US BB breeders have united under one association, the American Belgian Blue Breeders Association, Inc. (ABBB). This translates into a greater number of breeders participating.

Here’s the part I like: “On March 31st at 7:00PM all are welcome to enjoy a Belgian Blue Beef and Catfish buffet and take part in a Benefit Auction for the ABBB.”

Ag Groups, Beef, Biodiesel