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Denim Is Made Out of Cotton & Protects It

Chuck Zimmerman

DenimYou’ve gotta love an insecticide for cotton called Denim. Syngenta received registration for use of the product on cotton in California today. I like my blue jeans and I don’t need any pesky critters chewing them up, or the cotton plants they get made out of.

“Denim provides excellent control of all worm pests, especially armyworms, and also suppresses mites with minimal impact on beneficial insects, making it an ideal fit for integrated pest management programs,” said John Foresman, Syngenta crop manager. “Denim is a low use-rate product that offers long-lasting residual control. It is a unique chemistry with no known cross-resistance, and it works through three modes of action – contact, ingestion and ovicidal-like in which larvae are controlled as they chew through egg casings.”
