Farm Bureau Mutual Crop1 Acquisition Complete

Chuck Zimmerman

Farm Bureau MutualI just stopped off at a Holiday Inn here in Chicago for a quick email check with their lobby wi-fi and found out that the Farm Bureau Mutual acquisition of Crop1 Insurance is final as announced today (one

“This acquisition will help us to expand service to our farmer market,” said Bruce Trost, Farm Bureau Mutual Executive Vice President. “Crop1’s technology and proven savings will help us provide innovative and affordable crop insurance to meet the unique needs of crop producers throughout our marketing territory – we’re a winning combination that’s great for agriculture,” he added.

Farm Bureau MutualBilly Rose, Chief Executive Officer for Crop1 Insurance, says “We’re delighted that this transaction allows Crop1 to offer a savings to more crop producers across a broader geography.” (Full Release)

Ag Groups, Agribusiness