2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAFB Top Ten Stories of 2005

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Farm BroadcastingI have no motivation or inspiration to do a year in review so I’m glad that others are taking care of these duties. I guess I think that if anyone wants to know about the year at AgWired they can just scroll down!

NAFB has announced it’s top ten stories of the year. This was sent out in the form of a news release and I commend them for doing it. So many organizations don’t ever take the time to let the world know what they’re doing. AgWired is happy to pass it along. “Note to NAFB: You know how you like to get presents with the news releases you get? Bloggers are no different!! hint, hint”

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) announced its Top-10 Farm Stories and Ag Leader of the Year for 2005, selecting U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns as the year’s top farm newsmaker, and the unexpected sharp rise in energy costs as the year’s top farm news story.

NAFB’s Top-10 Stories of the Year for 2005:

1. Energy costs spike and squeeze producer profitability.
2. Hurricane Katrina devastates Southern agriculture and snarls the U.S grain transportation system.
3. U.S. Supreme Court finds checkoffs constitutional.
4. Congress passes comprehensive energy bill with Renewable Fuels Standard.
5. Japan re-opens market to U.S beef.
6. Asian Soybean Rust has no impact on U.S. soybean production in 2005.
7. U.S. Senate Confirms Nebraska Governor Mike Johanns as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
8. U.S. re-opens border to Canadian live cattle.
9. U.S Ag Secretary Mike Johanns holds dozens of farm bill listening sessions in partnership with NAFB.
10. U.S. corn crop is second largest ever as Midwest drought is less severe than thought.
Full Release

So there you have it. I have to make a comment on the release though. If you’re an AgWired regular you’ll understand. Why no audio? You’re NAFB. It’s what you do. How about some audio to go with this release? Now that would have been really cool. I would have posted it. I know you’ve got it archived, or at least members do. Just a thought.