Lallemand Supports Organic Producers

Chuck Zimmerman

LallemandMy friends at Lallemand know how to get my attention. This time it was with some great San Louis gourmet coffee from Alotenango, Guatemala. I can’t find a website for this coffee or the importer, Lankin Corporation, but if you can find it, it’s good! It’s farm fresh roasted and packed.

There’s a reason for the gift. This is what looks like “organic” coffee, meaning that it’s grown without the use of agro-chemicals. It came along with information about how they’re supporting the work of organic livestock producers. They’re doing this with a variety of products approved for organic use like: Alkosel, Agrimos, Biotal, Levucell SB and Levucell SC. You can find out all about these products on their website.

Great idea Lallemand. Good coffee, something every late night blogger needs.
