Listen To Podcasts With John Deere Headphones

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere HeadphonesNow granted you might not need these if you’re in a climate controlled tractor cab with a surround sound music system. However, if you’re not and you want to listen to your weekly ZimmCast without noisy interruptions then ask Santa for a set of John Deere noise cancelling headphones. I know you’ve got your iPod or are getting one for Christmas so you can subscribe to the latest farm podcasts. You need to listen on some quality headphones.

These are a great gift idea. They will be sold at John Deere dealers and Lowe’s Home Improvement stores by January. I hope they beat that deadline so they can be a Christmas gift. They also should be showing up in the online John Deere gift shop. These “cans” are manufactured for John Deere by Outside the Box, Inc. and have a suggested retail price of $89.99.

Ideal for operating lawn mowers, agricultural equipment or other machinery, the headset features Outside the Box’s proprietary noise canceling algorithm for blocking ambient equipment noise. By identifying and silencing these distracting sounds, users can focus on the task at hand, helping ensure their safety. “Noise cancellation is a need for our customers who regularly operate equipment around the home or on-the-job,” said Dean Hamke, manager of licensing for John Deere. “Working with Outside the Box, we have created a unique headset that will benefit both the safety and enjoyment of our customers.”
