2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Pics That Didn’t Become Zimmages

Chuck Zimmerman

Nebraska ImageOur Zimmages this week have been supplied by Cheryl Stubbendieck, Nebraska Farm Bureau. Actually they were taken by a couple of their district directors (Roger Berry & Tim Horn). These guys have a second career possibility if you ask me. At least they’ll each receive an AgWired tee for their efforts!

More than one photo from each was sent in so I’m posting the ones that didn’t make it into “Zimmages.” It wasn’t easy to choose but that’s the life of an editor.

Nebraska ImageI used to travel Nebraska on a regular basis when I was managing the Brownfield Network and building the affiliate base. Nebraska became one of my favorite states and I still have some very good personal friendships from those years that I treasure. These pictures show a beautiful state that many people don’t know about. You’ve got to get out there and see it for yourself to understand!

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