send news release today

NAWG WILOT Group Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Wheat GrowersWhy not have a WILOT? The National Association of Wheat Growers does. It’s the Wheat Industry Leaders of Tomorrow program and they’ve got 10 folks participating. Keep these names in mind since some of them may become state and national leaders in the future!

The 10 participants are: James White from Colfax, Washington; Kevin Porter from Pendleton, Oregon; Ian Anderson from Birds Landing, California; Tim Bartram from Enid, Oklahoma; Shawn Sullivan from Wallace, Nebraska; Jay Elkin from Taylor, North Dakota; Aron Torgerson from Ethridge, Montana; Dan Engler from Downs, Kansas; Michael Martin from Forbes, North Dakota; and John Thaemert representing the NAWG Officers. The next WILOT program will be held November 1-6, 2005 in St. Louis and March 4-7, 2006 in Washington, DC.

WILOT is designed for wheat growers who are interested in becoming involved at the state level on committees and boards, but who have not yet been elected to statewide office or served on the NAWG Board of Directors. The program is a project of the NAWG Foundation and sponsored by Monsanto.

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