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George W. Has A Christmas Tree

Chuck Zimmerman

2005 White House Christmas TreeIt may not look a lot like Christmas yet but George W. has a tree for the White House. The National Christmas Tree Association helped get it picked out. This is a nice looking tree.

A beautiful 18 ½ foot tall Fraser Fir tree from North Carolina will be the Official White House Christmas Tree this season. The Blue Room Christmas Tree will be officially presented to First Lady Laura Bush by Earl, Betsy and Buddy Deal of Smokey Holler Tree Farm in Laurel Springs, N.C. The Deals earned this honor by winning the National Christmas Tree Association’s (NCTA) national Christmas Tree contest and becoming Grand Champions.

The Blue Room Christmas Tree was handpicked by White House Chief Usher Gary Walters and Grounds Foreman Mike Lawn on October 20. The tree will be cut in late November and sent to Washington, D.C. The White House staff also selected two beautiful Real Christmas Trees for the White House Oval Office and the Bush family’s private residence.

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