2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Flame That Flu Away

Chuck Zimmerman

Red Dragon Poultry House SanitizerI haven’t said much about avian flu because I just don’t really know much about it. However, when you’ve got one of these flame shooting poultry house sanitizers we may just not have to worry too much! I like propane (I just wish it were cheaper) and here’s a great use for it. In fact, if you want to see a video of Flame Engineering’s Red Dragon Poultry House Flame Sanitizer just look here (9.1MB WMV).

The Propane Education & Research Council is helping promote the flaming sanitizer.

Red DragonThe Red Dragon, a new implement from Flame Engineering, Inc. (LaCrosse, KS), utilizes six liquid propane torches that project intense, sweeping flames underneath a sturdy steel hood to kill bacteria. The heat from the flames stays constant at approximately 1400° F, which is hot enough to effectively eliminate a host of harmful pathogens.

“The use of propane to help in the sanitation process of poultry houses is important for both the poultry industry and the propane industry,” said Mark Leitman, Director of Agriculture Programs for the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC). “Hopefully, growers will see these positive results from Texas and seek out flame sanitation in their area.”

I’d think there are some other uses for a unit like that. I know I can come up with some. How about you?

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