D&PL Announce New Cotton Varieties

Chuck Zimmerman

D&PLThe new product announcements just keep on coming. Delta & Pine Company has a whole range of new cotton varieties. The announcement gets into some pretty technical stuff that includes a lot of number and letters. I recommend visiting their website to learn more.

Delta and Pine Land Company announces the commercialization of the much-heralded new mid-maturity, stacked-gene cotton
variety, DP 454 BG/RR, plus new exciting Bollgard® II/Roundup Ready® Flex varieties for 2006.

“As the leading cotton seed supplier to U.S. producers, D&PL has the breeding and research capabilities to keep America’s cotton farmers armed with a wide range of maturities and technologies to meet farm requirements and textile mill demands,” said Jim Willeke, vice president of sales and marketing at D&PL. “Our 2006 cotton variety lineup offers producers yield, fiber and more technologies than ever before.”
