2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

55 Percent of Corporations Are Blogging

Chuck Zimmerman

Are you still wondering about blogging and don’t know if it has an application for you and your company? Are you reading this? If so, you have an involvement in blogging! At the just completed BlogOn 2005 in New York they released the results of Guidewire Group’s “Blogging in the Enterprise,” a first-ever study of the adoption of blogging by communications and marketing professionals. Now I’ve always told my kids, “Just because someone else is doing it doesn’t make it right.” However, there’s a lot of corporate blogging going on folks!

Here’s an example of an interesting tidbit from their results:

• Almost 90% of those surveyed said they are or plan to use blogging in their communications efforts.

A story on the study appeared on Internet.com and had even more information from the study.

The poll of corporate marketing and communications professionals found that 55 percent of corporations are blogging, with 91.4 percent of those using them for internal communications and 96.6 percent for external outreach. More than half had launched their blogs within the last year.
