2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Are You Old Enough To Listen To A Podcast?

Chuck Zimmerman

Current conventional wisdom (what people “think”) seems to be that the internet and things like blogging and podcasting are just for young people. Why do we always assume things without checking out the research.

I just found this release on VNUNET.com about a survey done by CLX, a mobile phone polling firm, that says that it’s older people who are driving the growth of podcasting.

“A survey of over 8,000 American consumers by pollsters CLX has revealed that podcasting is most popular with those over 45, with 21 per cent of those questioned listening to podcasts. This compares to just 13 per cent of 15 to 24-year olds.”

I find this totally believable since I talk with many people my age and older who are regular visitors to AgWired and who have listened to our weekly podcast, the ZimmCast. But for some reason they think they aren’t the “norm” and that the bulk of the other people visiting must be young. I don’t think so and I’m going to look for some more research on this.
