send news release today

New Chicken Officers

Chuck Zimmerman

National Chicken CouncilThe National Chicken Council has some new officers as of yesterday when they were installed in Washington, DC. I learned on their website that last month was national chicken month. I think I did my part even though I wasn’t aware of it.

Don Jackson, president of the poultry division of Foster Farms, Livingston, California, was installed today as Chairman of the National Chicken Council, the trade association for the chicken production and processing industry. Mark Hickman, president and chief executive officer of Peco Foods, Inc., Tuscaloosa, Alabama, took office as Vice Chairman, and Mike Welch, president and chief executive officer of Harrison Poultry, Bethlehem, Georgia, became Secretary-Treasurer.

The new officers were installed during the NCC Annual Conference held in the Washington, D.C., area attended by members of the industry from across the country. Officers serve one-year terms.

The National Chicken Council represents integrated chicken producer-processors, the companies that produce, process and market chickens. Member companies of NCC account for approximately 95 percent of the chicken sold in the United States.

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