2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Meat Me In Brisbane

Chuck Zimmerman

World Meat CongressWho wants to sponsor me to cover the 2006 World Meat Congress? Huh? Huh? This sounds like my kind of convention. That’s what “congress” means in other countries, “convention.” How about breakfast, lunch, appetizers, dinner and it’s all meat!!! That would be my kind of menu for a convention. No need to have carrots, celery sticks, etc. Just a bunch of meat on a stick. Of course you need something cold to wash it down and for my money I’d make it a XXXX or a Fosters.

The Congress, being held in Brisbane, Australia, April 26-29, 2006, is expected to attract over 500 of the world’s most influential players in the global beef, lamb and pork industries. Chairman of the 2006 World Meat Congress, Mark Spurr said the event will focus on global trends, innovations and issues affecting the world’s meat industries. “This is the biggest and most important meat industry event on the calendar. It is where the key decision makers gather in the one place at the one time to discuss the current and future issues facing the world’s meat industries,” Mr. Spurr said. “The key themes of the 2006 World Meat Congress will be focused on the consumer, the community, supply and trade policy, and we will be attracting the world’s leading experts to address the Congress on these topics.”

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