Make Your Website Un-Ugly

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I’ve been involved in some interesting discussions on website design so I thought I’d pass along a couple links to some interesting information if you’re involved in a web project. Thanks to a link I found on Paul Conley’s blog you can read some very interesting research on a Poynter Institute study called Eyetrack III. This was research about news sites which was done with 46 people. Lots of good stuff in here. This is from Paul’s post called “The Ugly Truth About Ugly Sites.”

Of course you can check out Jakob Nielsen and his Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design.

And I like Steve Krug and his book “Don’t Make Me Think,” which is now in its second edition. This little book won’t take long to read and it all just makes sense.

It’s never easy to put yourself in your visitor’s shoes and see your site from their eyes but resources like these help. Of course you should also consider getting the opinion of other people and not be afraid to hear what they have to say!
