2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Latest On The WTO From FarmPolicy.com

Chuck Zimmerman

FarmPolicy.comI’ve written about Keith Good before. In fact he was one of the first interviews on the ZimmCast. Now my man is using audio on his weblog!

In one of his latest posts on the WTO Keith has a short audio file presentation to go along with a slide you can look at while you’re listening. You’re going to learn more about the WTO here on AgWired too but Keith knows his stuff. You can subscribe to a daily emailed update of news from him that’s very thorough. Keith has his audio in .wav format which is a big file to download so I converted it to mp3 for you here: Download MP3 File

I’m going to email him a link to an audio converter program since I think MP3 is the way to go (much smaller and pretty much universally accepted).
