2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

CowParade In Wisconsin

Chuck Zimmerman

Wisconsin Cow ParadeMaybe you remember those cows when they were in Chicago. Well they get around and now they’re in Wisconsin. As reported on World Dairy Diary today (a ZimmComm blog) the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board is responsible for this. In fact, this is big business. The CowParade even has its own website. For information about Wisconsin go here. These shameless promoters of all things milk will be at the World Dairy Expo and so will AgWired.

There will be some official CowParade Wisconsin cows – “Say Cheese, Wisconsin” by Bruce Bodden and “Where the Cows Are” by Steven Kozar. When they get us photos we’ll share them.

I actually first found out about this on the Wisconsin Radio Network site. You can listen to a story they did on it here.
