Keynote Session At The BBS

Chuck Zimmerman

Blog Business SummitWe’re now into the Keynote session “Why Microsoft is Betting Big on Bloggers & RSS.” After Dean Hachamovitch got us started with a little review of how we’ve gotten to the point where blogging is so popular we’re now getting the Robert Scoble perspective. He’s discussing why he blogs and where blogging has taken him, especially in terms of building relationships with people. He’s now doing video internally with different employees which is distributed to other employees. Great way to communicate and I assume build team spirit internally at Microsoft.

Now we’re hearing about RSS and the whole idea of syndicating information. We’re supposed to hear an announcement from Microsoft on where they see the future of business blogging.

I had to run back up to my room and get my computer’s power supply. I didn’t know the setup here. Weve not only got free wireless access that seems to be working fine, but we’ve got power outlets. The room has filled up and as you can see in the picture, there’s lots of screens lit up here!

It’s a blogging kind of event. I haven’t seen a session like it before!
