send news release today

Gimme My Metrics

Chuck Zimmerman

Blog Business SummitI didn’t realize that we weren’t really supposed to take pictures of the presenters and post them without asking permission (whoops). I only know this because they have a big screen slide that was up with this instruction between sessions. So I gave myself permission to post my own picture.

I’m in one of the last sessions of the day that I hope to get some concrete information on. It’s “Measuring Success: Setting Goals and Establishing Metrics.” There’s that word “metrics” again. Gotta have metrics. We’ll see what Sally Falkow has to say. I ate lunch at her topic table on RSS. One of the key things I had wondered about RSS was “Can I measure how many subscribers I have to my site feed (RSS)?” Basically, the answer is no but there are some ways to get an idea of what level of subscribership you have to an RSS feed. I can tell you that we do have subscribers to AgWired both because of the feedback I get from them and because I can see the activity on the website. However, without going into a long explanation, I really can’t tell you how many actual subscribers AgWired has. I’m going to continue to research this.
