2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Even Cities Are Podcasting

Chuck Zimmerman

International Nanocasting AllianceIn case you’re wondering what that logo is on AgWired that says we’re a member then I’ll tell you. We’re a charter member of the International Nanocasting Association. This is a group that has been created to promote standards for commercial podcasting. So we said, “Why not join up?” I haven’t seen much activity yet but we’re right at the beginning of this whole podcasting revolution. If you listen to our ZimmCast then you’re listening to a podcast. It’s in an MP3 file format and except for the host (me) sounds pretty good I think. I don’t know what the standards are yet but I’m sure we’ll be working on them.

INA Launches Global Initiative to Establish Commercial Standards for Podcasting

The International Nanocasting Alliance (INA), the international trade organization for commercial podcasters announced today the launch of the first global initiative to establish universally accepted standards for commercial podcasting. The program is consulting a wide spectrum of podcasters from around the world, along with a coalition of academics, media, marketing, advertising and legal experts. The program will seek to identify guidelines and best practices that participating commercial podcasters will voluntarily agree to follow. Participating podcasters will display a “member seal” that will serve to identify the media outlet’s commitment to these standards and distinguish them from sites not committed to the established code and best practices.

It’ll be interesting to see what’s going to happen as podcasting grows as a commercial application. For example I just learned that the city of Warren, Michigan is podcasting! That’s an alert from Podcasting News. Even cities are podcasting!
