2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AAEA Members To See Strategic Plan At AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

American Agricultural Editors AssociationThe American Agricultural Editors Association is one of the main sponsors of the upcoming Ag Media Summit. At the meeting members will be presented with a strategic plan that’s been in the works for a while. If you’re a member you should go to the AAEA website, read the plan and submit your comments or be prepared to talk about it at the meeting that will be held Aug. 3.

I’d post some of the draft but then I’d get in trouble and we don’t want that. After a quick review (I’ll spend more time on it later) it’s very detailed and the strategic planning committee of Susan Davis, chair, Betsy Freese, co-chair, Andrew Burchett, Den Gardner, David Hest, Gregg Hillyer, Andy Markwart, Kelly Schwalbe, Greg Vincent and Willie Vogt must have put some time into creating it!

Once it’s official we’ll post more information about it.

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Media