2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Obesity Warning Labels A Joke

Chuck Zimmerman

Food Products AssociationHere’s something I totally agree with. The whole idea that just by putting a label on foods we’ll somehow eliminate obesity is ludicrous. To start with don’t think obesity is some new problem in America. It’s just another scare story because the mainstream media has to find something to shock us with. No one ever talks about personal responsibility anymore. Let’s just blame the food companies and the people who grow food for the fact that we can’t stop eating.

Singling Out Individual Foods “Does Not Help Address Complex and Multi-faceted Nutrition Issues,” Say FPA – CSPI’s Call for Obesity Warning Labels is “A Bumper Sticker Approach to Nutrition Education”

(Washington, D.C.) – Commenting on calls by the Center for Science in the Public Interest for obesity warning labels and other measures targeted at soft drinks, Robert Earl, MPH, RD, Senior Director of Nutrition Policy for the Food Products Association (FPA), made the following remarks:

“Singling out individual foods or ingredients does not help address complex and multi-faceted nutrition issues, such as obesity. What helps consumers is balanced, science-based information on how to include a variety of foods to achieve balanced, healthful and enjoyable diets with adequate hydration, coupled with an appropriate level of physical activity – not attacks on products.

“In calling for unjustified obesity warning labels on non-diet soft drinks, CSPI is advocating a ‘bumper sticker’ approach to nutrition education. Consumers deserve better than that.

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