2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Find Out About GEOSS Friday

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this but it has the involvement of a lot of people in agribusiness. It’s an invitation to for an event this Friday in Washington, DC. The invitation was emailed out from the National Cotton Council. If we get some more information from it I’ll pass it along.

EPA Seal

WHO: National Cotton Council Advisor Kenneth Hood, a Mississippi cotton producer and founder of InTime, a crop input management services firm, joined by Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns; Vice Admiral USN (Ret) Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere/ National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration administrator; and business leaders representing: John Deere, Monsanto, Bunge, National Corn Growers Association and DigitalGlobe.

WHAT: Seminar – AGRIBUSINESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY – New Global Earth Observation System Will Change Face of Agriculture

WHEN: Friday, May 20, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: U.S. Chamber of Commerce/International Hall of Flags
1615 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C.

Breaking new ground, top government and business leaders will underscore how the emerging Global Earth Observation System of Systems, now supported by nearly 60 countries, can revolutionize the face of agribusiness in the 21st century. Focus will be on improving agribusiness’ ability to meet accelerating world needs for food and fiber, cope more effectively with rapid changes in international markets, and reduce vulnerability to extremes of weather, climate and pests. Advances in Earth observations, science and service are transforming agriculture, helping farmers to farm even when there are several thousands acres over several counties to cover!

Kenneth Hood states: “This technology gives the farmer the tools to make intelligent management decisions on applying crop inputs by knowing when, where and the exact amount needed in the field as opposed to blanket treatments. This results in a proven 20-50 percent savings in a farmer’s application of chemicals as well as a direct cost savings to the farmer through increased labor efficiency and reduced chemical costs.”

For more information contact David Logsdon or Madelyn Appelbaum.

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