2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FFA On The Way

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s not too early to plan for the FFA Convention, October 26-29, Louisville, KY. They’ve got a website that’s chock full of information so check it out.

FFA Logo

Welcome to the 78th National FFA Convention’s
Planning Guide

This convention’s focus on learning, leadership and success will be reinforced through an exciting array of speakers, programs, activities and workshops that offer insights and information for students and teachers alike. The interactive Agriscience Institute, which made its debut in 2003 at the Career Show will return in 2005.

As the nation’s largest annual student meeting, there is no question that the national FFA convention is a life changing experience for FFA members, inspiring them to reach for goals never considered. Advisors mark October on your calendars and start making your plans for the 78th National FFA Convention today. Remember to invite your principal, counselors, parents, alumni and sponsors so they can all experience the Blue and Gold legacy — Learn. Lead. Succeed.

For more information contact Kristy Meyer.

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