2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Tipping Humans Fun For Bovines

Chuck Zimmerman

You remember when I wondered what the Bovines Unite thing was all about? Well it’s here and it is the Maryland Lottery.

MD Lottery Bovine Bucks

From today’s post on their bovine blog:

The bovine revolution has begun

In case you humans missed it, COWS RULE!

That’s right. C-Day was an udder success. The bipeds never saw it coming. Who knew human-tipping could be so much fun?!?! The look on that frat-human’s face when he realized what happened was priceless.

Between all of the herds, I think we managed to tip about 30 humans last night. I saw some of the news through the farmhouse window and the humans are totally FREAKING OUT! Georgia said they even made a website about it. LetYourselfPlay.com. Gonna have to check it out later.

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