RFA Ethanol Podcast

10 Percent of Small Businesses Plan To Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

An interesting survey was conducted by Harris Interactive for Hewlett-Packard (HP) that says that 10 percent of small business owners have included blogs in their business plan. Very interesting. There’s a lot more information in this report.

For example, it says that 81 percent plan to increase technology spending in a variety of ways that includes websites, blogs, online services and 68 percent say they plan to adopt additional technology products in the coming year.

You can see the full survey, news releases and a summary report here: HP Small Business Survey

One of the most interesting things to yours truly was seeing that HP had an “audio news release” produced as part of the public relations work for this project. If HP is doing it you might want to consider it as well. Talking News Releases are what we call them. They’re a specialty service of ZimmComm, owners of AgriMarketing Pros. Sorry for the shameless self-promotion but I couldn’t resist.

Public Relations