2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

World Pork Congress Keynote is Ag Secretary Mike Johannes

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Secretary Johannes is at all the meetings! I guess that’s what you’ve got to do when you’re new.

Next up for him is the World Pork Congress.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns will deliver the keynote address at the World Pork Congress in Washington, D.C., April 28-29.

Johanns headlines a distinguished list of speakers and panelists from around the world who will discuss the latest trends and developments in pork research, production and marketing. The World Pork Congress, being held in the United States for the first time, has registrants from 33 countries.

For more information contact Mike Wegner.

While we’re at it with National Pork Board news. They’ve got another meeting scheduled:

Pork Checkoff’s Financial Management Conference to take place in July

The Pork Checkoff is offering the 2005 Financial Management Conference July 17-20, 2005 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego, Calif.

The 2 1/2-day conference has had great attendance in past years with an average of 125 industry producers, CFOs, lenders and accountants participating in each one. Participants have received relevant information useful for making financial decisions and dealing with the uncertainty of the industry and the economy.

For more information contact Cindy Cunningham.

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