RFA Ethanol Podcast

Put A Little Corn Power In Your IndyCar

Chuck Zimmerman

The ethanol industry is getting a new champion. It’s an organization called EPIC (Ethanol Promotions and Information Council). It’s so new that I guess their website isn’t open to the public yet (www.epicinfo.org). But it should be available soon.

I’ll be travelling to Washington, DC this week to attend their press conference. The invitation says it’s an announcement about the IndyCar Series partnering with ethanol. ABC racing broadcaster, Jack Arute, will be emceeing the event. I don’t have information on who the speakers are yet.

The press conference will be at 11:00am, Thursday, March 3 at Union Station. If you would like to attend you can rsvp to Joanna Schroeder by email or calling 515-247-2868.

EPIC appears to be supported by Broin, Fagen, Inc. and ICM. Additional support is provided by ACE (American Coalition for Ethanol) and RFA (Renewable Fuels Association).

At the Commodity Classic last week I was given an invitiation by Tom Slunecka, Executive Director for EPIC. He was visiting with media members in attendance their to solicit interest in the new organization and it’s upcoming press conference.

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