2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmPoll Comes to a Close

Jamie Johansen

As we say farewell to 2016, we also say goodbye to our ZimmPoll. For the past six years we have brought you a weekly poll on current events and issues impacting agriculture. The first ZimmPoll took place in November 2011 and asked the question, “How do you think agricultural interests will fare in the new Farm Bill?” Since then we …


Should EPA Increase Biofuels Use? Yes, It’s the Law

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Should EPA increase biofuels use?” Energy diversity takes the win this week. EPA set final levels for biofuels use in 2017 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) that are in line with the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, calling for the maximum 15 million gallons of conventional ethanol for the first time and …


Should EPA Increase Biofuels Use?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What are you most thankful for this year?” Family, friends, food and freedom…no doubt the simple majority shined in our Thanksgiving poll. Here are the poll results: Family – 13% Friends – 3% Food – 0% Freedom – 0% All of the above – 80% Other – 3% Our new ZimmPoll is live and …


Ag Thinks Positive With Trump Administration

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What will Trump presidency mean for ag?” The election is over, however we are still discussing what a Trump Administration will not only mean for agriculture, but for our nation as a whole. NAFB hosted an agriculture “Reaction to Election” panel last week highlighting insights from key agricultural leader opinions. Remarks from those leaders …


What Will Trump Presidency Mean for Ag?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Final decision time – who are you voting for?” The polls have closed and Donald Trump is officially our President Elect. Many across the country are a bit surprised, yet our most recent ZimmPoll had Trump with a clear lead. The agricultural community predicted this win. Here are the poll results: Donald Trump – …


Final Decision Time – Who Are You Voting For?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Which candidate is better for agricultural exports?” Both major party candidates have said they oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which most studies show would help to open up markets and increase agricultural exports. The Obama administration has been strongly in favor of TPP and urging Congress to ratify the trade agreement as soon …


Which Candidate is Better for Agricultural Exports?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is most important to food sustainability?” Sustainability is no longer simply a word used in agricultural circles. Consumers are also weighing in and therefore food companies are recognizing the importance of sustainability in agriculture, but some aren’t understanding technology and food production work hand-in-hand. Yet, this poll stresses agriculture’s point. All factors need …


What’s Important to Food Sustainability?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Will you be getting the new iPhone 7?” The new models of the iPhone are out, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. It’s seems many are waiting on the 8 or simply don’t want it. Of course, Chuck has his and we are waiting with anticipation for his review. As an avid Apple customer, …


Techies – Have You Got the 7 Yet?

Jamie Johansen

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How should U.S. normalize relations with Cuba?” The U.S. Ag Coalition for Cuba represents about 120 national groups each working collectively on individual interests with the common goal of improving trade relations with Cuba. Cubans seek to normalize relations with the U.S. which would include the U.S. lifting the embargo, extending credit to Cuba …
