2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Lotz Wins World Livestock Auctioneer Championship

Jamie Johansen

Blaine Lotz of Edna, Kan. proved his world-class talent as a livestock auctioneer at the 51st anniversary of the Livestock Marketing Association’s (LMA) World Livestock Auctioneer Championship (WLAC) in Knoxville, Iowa, on Saturday, June 21. As a third-generation auctioneer, the world champion was quite familiar with the livestock marketing industry. When he was 15, Lotz attended auctioneering school at Western …

Ag Groups, Beef, Livestock, LMA

Contestants Came Far & Wide For WLAC Competition

Jamie Johansen

The World Livestock Auctioneer Championship took place in conjunction with the Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Convention. Auctioneer’s from around the world who qualified for the event traveled to Montgomery, Alabama to compete and take in the convention. Chuck caught up with Garrett Jones from Los Banos, California, who was a contestant in the auctioneering championship. Garrett qualified in the top …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

Embracing Change Throughout The Beef Community

Jamie Johansen

The beef community is no stranger to change. Understanding it may not always be easy, but embracing it is key. During the recent 2013 Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Meeting and World Livestock Auctioneer Championship attendees heard multiple times about different changes in the industry. Technology is one of those changes that improves efficiency and makes it easier for cattlemen to …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

LMA’s Industry Showcase Provides Networking

Jamie Johansen

The 2013 Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Meeting and World Livestock Auctioneer Championship in Montgomery, Al. brought together cattlemen and other members of the beef community to network and learn more about the industry. One great opportunity to do both of those things took place during the Industry Showcase. The trade show allowed attendees to see first-hand new products and ask …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

Connecting Beef Checkoff Funds With LMA

Jamie Johansen

Everyone involved in the beef industry understands the importance of the beef checkoff program. And what better time to inform producers of this beef promotion tool then during the 2013 Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Meeting & World Livestock Auctioneer Championship. Jimmy Maxy, Secretary/Treasurer for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and cattleman from California, took in the event and spoke with Chuck …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

Montgomery Stockyards Hosted LMA Event

Jamie Johansen

The 2013 Livestock Marketing Association’s Annual Meeting and World Livestock Auctioneer Championship recently took place in Montgomery, Alabama. The Montgomery Stockyards took the honor of hosting the convention and sponsored the Friday night meal and entertainment. Jerry Etheridge with Montgomery Stockyards met guests at Union Station where the event was held and Chuck met up with him there. The team …

Audio, Livestock, LMA

Key Policy Changes for LMA

Jamie Johansen

The Livestock Marketing Association focuses on their members and during the 2013 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship in Montgomery, Alabama meetings were held to make sure the most effective and up-to-date policies were in place for LMA producers. During the annual membership meeting a couple of legislative resolutions were discussed to change policies for producers across the country. Chuck talked with …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

LMA Makes Moves Towards Future

Jamie Johansen

Montgomery, Alabama opened it’s door last week to attendees of the 2013 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship. Members from the Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) came together from around the world to discuss policies, gather information on industry issues and of course take in the competition. Maybe one of the most important things to take place during the event was the board …

Audio, Beef, Livestock, LMA

Working With Former WLAC

Chuck Zimmerman

Last week I got to work right along side a bunch of champions. Champion like Lex Madden, Torrington Livestock Market and 1998 World Livestock Auctioneer Champion. Lex is pictured next to me second from right. This is the group of judges for the 2013 World Livestock Auctioneer Championship interview judging. In addition to Lex and myself, from the left are …

Ag Groups, Audio, LMA

2013 World Livestock Auctioneer Champion Dustin Focht

Chuck Zimmerman

A big congratulations to Dustin Focht, Stillwater, OK, who is the 2013 World Livestock Auctioneer Champion! Here’s a photo of Dustin. The Runner up Champion is Blaine Lotz from Edna, Kansas and the Reserve Champion is Brian Little from Wann, Oklahoma. We had a fantastic group of 31 contestants for this honor. It’s the Super Bowl of livestock auctioneering and …

Ag Groups, Livestock, LMA, Video