Animal Ag Bites 2/25

Carrie Muehling

  • The Joint Poultry Industry Safety Award Program is currently accepting applications from poultry industry facilities with outstanding safety programs. The program is open to National Chicken Council, National Turkey Federation and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association members with poultry processing plants, further processing facilities, egg processing plants, hatcheries, feed mills and rendering facilities that, through the implementation of innovative and effective programs, have injury and illness rates below the industry average for three consecutive years. Award program rules, regulations and application forms are available by clicking here.
  • National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Jennifer Houston issued the following statement regarding the appointment of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: “Cattle producers applaud the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s commitment to ensuring the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans process is firmly grounded in the best available science and will ultimately result in nutritional policy that can measurably improve the health of Americans. Members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee are leading experts in their fields who are tasked with evaluating the latest scientific evidence and then use that to make recommendations on what constitutes a healthy diet. Beef is a high-quality protein with essential nutrients like iron, zinc and B vitamins, and overwhelming scientific evidence consistently shows balanced diets with beef nourish and sustain good health. Cattle and beef producers are committed to providing a wholesome, nutritious food and communicating accurate information about beef, and we look forward to contributing to a transparent, public process.”
  • The National Corn Growers Association partnered with the U.S. Meat Export Federation to update a study on the value of red meat exports to domestic U.S. corn growers. In 2018, the study showed beef and pork exports used a combined total of 14.9 million tons of corn and DDGS, which equates to an additional 459.7 million bushels of corn produced – an increase of 29 percent over the 2015 projections.
AgWired Animal, Animal Bites