2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF APT Summit Participant Values Early Information

Carrie Muehling

The inaugural BASF APT (Agronomic Performance Trials) Summit gave farmer participants an opportunity to get information earlier while collaborating with other growers who are in similar situations.

Walker McAnear, cotton grower from Clarendon, Texas, said he appreciates the timing.

“You get to see that experimental variety all year long, but you don’t know if they’re going to take that variety forward,” he said. “So we get to see this a little earlier this time and decide if we’re going to be able to use those in our operation this next year, so that’s good, too.”

McAnear has participated in a trial on his farm for the past several years. He likes the idea of a larger conference to share results.

“It’s valuable. You know, in the past it’s been just a coffee shop type of meeting with a local rep and getting to see my data. This is nice to see data from the whole country, and good to meet other growers who have been doing these things, too. It’s always good to meet with other people and see their experiences,” said McAnear.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Walker here: Interview with Walker McAnear, Texas cotton grower

2019 BASF APT Summit Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Cotton