2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

3RIVE 3D Application Use Growing

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC has been working with the 3RIVE 3D application system since at least 2015 when it debuted at the National Farm Machinery Show and use of the at-plant crop protection delivery platform has just continued to grow with the development of Capture 3RIVE 3D.

At the recent Ag Media Summit, FMC product development manager Brent Jacobson said they will soon have another product to work with the application system, in addition to Capture® 3RIVE 3D® insecticide.

“It’s going to be called Ethos 3D, we anticipate registration by the end of the year,” said Jacobson. “It includes an insecticide and also a bio-fungicide.”

Jacobson says Ethos defends against corn rootworms, wireworms, grubs, seed corn maggots, cutworms and common stalk borers; as well as Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Phytophthor. “One of the neat things about the biofungicide is that it is a biological that actually grows with the root system of the plant.”

Learn more in this interview – Interview with Brent Jacobson, FMC, on 3RIVE 3D and Ethos 3D

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