RFA Ethanol Podcast

Camso Adding Value with Smart Track Technology

Chuck Zimmerman

By getting equipment to and from the field faster with new proprietary smart track technology, Camso is helping farmers to be more profitable.

“No farm equipment makes any money on the road. It makes money being in the field. We want to help them manage temperature so they know how warm the tractor is running. We want to make sure we can get the farmers from one place to another as fast as they probably can,” said Martin Lunkenbein, Service and Aftermarket Sales Executive Director for Agriculture at Camso. “Heat is the enemy of rubber. So we want to make sure we can help them manage that so they know how warm their track is running. So if they need to manage their speed, they can do it. If they don’t, they can run full out and get from one place to another as quickly as they need to.”

Sensors built into the tracks will communicate information back to a mobile device, helping farmers to lower operating costs and improve track durability. For more information, visit www.camso.co.

Learn more in the video below:

2018 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

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Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by John Deere
Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, Video